Author Archives: rcsacccess

Summer Concert

With just over a week to go we are excited to announce our guest singers.

  • Rosalind O’Dowd (sop)
  • Dawn Rolt (sop)
  • Annie Pang (sop)
  • Natasha Eliott (alto)
  • Charlotte Collier (alto)
  • John Vallance (tenor)
  • John Twitcher (tenor)
  • Crispin Lewis (baritone)

Our songbird themed concert will feature a wide variety of music on the theme of birds, from 5 centuries of composers! With choruses by Mozart and Haydn; part-songs by Stanford and Vaughan Williams; new works by Sheena Phillips and Martin Jones; folk songs and madrigals by Bartlet and Greg Rose; solos from Handel, Brahms, and Janacek; instrumental solos by Amy Beach and Richard Rodney Bennet.

Thursday 14 July 7.30pm. Richmond and Putney Unitarian Church

Spring Concert

What a joy to be back in our favorite venue performing Fauré’s Requiem and other beautiful French choral music, joined by soloists Milana Sarukhanyan and Clinton Fung with wonderful accompaniment from Michael Keen