Author Archives: rcsacccess

A Christmas Celebration

What a wonderful evening of festive music last Thursday. The concert, where we were joined by our guest choirs Cantati Camerati and The Chamber Choir of St James’s Catholic Primary school as well as the Eloysia Quartet and our soprano soloist Rosalind O’Dowd, was very well attended and a great night was had by all.

Our gents joined by those from Cantati Camerati for a wonderful rendition of The Boar's Head Carol

Our gents joined by Cantati Camerati for a wonderful rendition of The Boar’s Head Carol

Our helpers Roger and Jason, definitely not drinking the profits

Our helpers Roger and Jason, definitely not drinking the profits

Performing Haydn's Missa Brevis No 7 in B flaat

Performing Haydn’s Missa Brevis No 7 in B flat

As always, the choir moved to the pub across the road for the traditional "after party"

As always, the choir moved to the pub across the road for the traditional “after party”

Fabulous Folk Concert 22 July 2016

Friday 22nd July in St. Anne’s Church, Kew Green

Tickets £10. Concert begins at 7.30 pm.

(Link to map of venue)

Richmond Choral Society presents Fabulous Folk! – a programme of choral folk arrangements, with some solos and surprises!


This concert is in aid of INS: Integrated Neurological Services, which is a Richmond charity helping those with brain damage. All the cost of your ticket – which includes a free glass of wine! – will go to the charity.

The new Mayor will be in attendance, and we expect a good audience in this lovely venue, so buy your ticket soon from any RCS member (tickets also available on the door).